Saturday, May 23, 2015

Rental woes.........


The other day daddy Dave got an urgent text from a tenant about bugs swarming inside the house, they sent me a couple pics and said they were everywhere coming from behind the walls etc. they said they would spray them and they would keep coming ......hundreds. Daddy Dave being at work placed a call to a local exterminator to come out and acces the situation.

After a call back from the exterminator it was conformed........termites.........dang it. It seems at around this time of year a termite nest will swarm and send out tons of explorers to find new spots to inhabit. So it seems that our house has a nest and when it sent out its explorers they infested the interior of the house. Well looking at the bright side I now can get the issue addressed before too much damage occurs, so a total home treatment is schudualled and on the books. Just a tip to get rid of the explorers no need to spray raid you can simply spray water to get rid of them.


1 comment:

Woodie said...

oh yikes! we had a swarm of them outside our house, on the ground. The bug guys came and said everything was fine, but we try not to use back mulch near the house cause they can live in / eat the mulch. :-/