Thursday, December 3, 2015

Mirror revisited.......


It seems that the driver side mirror on daddy Dave's truck had worked its self loose(someone leaned on it) and it needed to be reattached properly so that it wasn't lost while driving down the road. Daddy Dave had some prior experience with this mirror so he new what to do. First the mirror was popped off simply enough with a screw driver the glass handle just aided the process.

Here the problem was reveled, a compression washer had slipped off.....

The washer was just reshaped and recompressed and all was good, until the next person hangs on it.



Jandi for The Fuzz said...

Sounds like you have some hangers-on

Davey Doo said...

Yeah, too bad it wasn't my girls it happened at a garage while getting my inspection and then they offered to fix it for a couple hundred😏

Woodie said...

Nicely done. I'll try to to do chin-ups from it next time I see ya. :D