Saturday, June 28, 2014

Butterfly book.....


Here Ella reads a butterfly book....

Friday, June 27, 2014

Chalk outline........


No crime scene tape is up around the home on Lenmore , Aunt Woodsherry stopped by the other day, here she draws a chalk outline around Malia.

The outline was colored in producing a little patio art.


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Dress up....


The other morning the girls got dressed up in some princess outfits, while watching Curious George.

Ella is still a little small for this dress, but she'll grow into it.


Sunday, June 22, 2014



Daddy Dave often brings his work home with him(landscaping) and ends up giving away or replanting discarded bushes. During this occasion daddy Dave used a couple scoops of compost to help give nutrients to the transplanted plants. It seems that some of the seeds in the compost took root, here we have a tomatoe plant and a cucumber or pumpkin plant also. Of course a little weeding around the plants is also needed.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Bed work......


What is Malia doing standing behind daddy Dave's truck throwing up a peace sign? Well I don't know why she chose the peace sign but the pine needles was for a project of the day.

This section Of the front yard dosent like to grow grass and the dirt is slowly eroding away, a sort of border was planted and ivy started in hope that it would eventually cover the ground making if a almost maintance free zone.

But to make it a bit more scenic daddy Dave picked up some pine needles to spread out till the ivy takes over.

Here's a road shot more needles are needed but I'll wait till these settle down before I put on a final layer.


Friday, June 20, 2014

Rental progression.....


The other day when daddy Dave was working on finishing up a few simple plumbing repairs and the job on hand was done, the water system was pressurized and a new leak was discovered. The problem was it was behind the tile shower wall and the only way to get acces to the pipes was to ether distory the shower or cut through the extirior. Daddy Dave didn't feel like replacing a perfectly good shower so the an access opening was made outside this could be used if future problems arose.

Here's the leak a split copper pipe probably from frozen pipes...

A new section of pex replaced the spent pipe....

Next daddy Dave needed to make that hole in the side of the house disappear. First a peice of pywood was cut to fit and the siding was put back together.

This panel was made to be able to remove if future repairs are needed....

Some flashing was added to prevent leaking......

And a new coat of paint, not seemless but close enough.




Momma Mandy got out the paint for the girls and put down some freezer paper for the canvas.

Some time was spent on the paper, but as always it tended to end up on the body.

There's a little body art going on here.


And Ella copying here sister

Time for a little clean up, here Malia starts washing off..

But momma Mandy had a different idea........and out came the hose.......the girls weren't so excited.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014



Lately it's been pretty hot down here in the Carolina's, so some time momma Mandy meets up with a friend and takes the girls to a pool. During this swimming session Malia was swimming by herself(arm floats), this is a first for her she normaly wants to be held.......but not on this day she was splashing about.

This is a pic of the car ride home, after the morning and lunch by the pool momma Mandy hoped it would tucker the girls out.

Here's a pic about a block or two later.............goal achived.


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Rub a dub......


Rub a dub dub two girls in a tub, how they got in is a mystery, how they'll get out were still yet to see.


Monday, June 16, 2014



For fathers days daddy Dave got his first Father's Day tie, Malia made it for her daddy in Sunday school. Daddy Dave wore it around most the afternoon and received many complements on his spiffe tie. In this pic Malia is enjoying a homemade fruit and juice ice pop(Ella is too in the background).


Friday, June 13, 2014

Ice cream.....


Here's a pic of the girls enjoying some ice cream at cabarrus creamery in concord nc. Ella's got a chocolate beard, and Malia is sure enjoying that mint chocolate chip.


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Milking it......

Malia got a shot afterwards she was sure to point out hoooooow much it huuuuurt, she milked the attention but she deserved a little compassion. She was treated to an ice cream cone after the fact. Here is a video clip of her working the whole "I've got a shot" thing, after finishing up her lunch and getting down from the table.

Forward face........


Ella has been upgraded, she now is in a forward facing seat just like her big sis.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Meal time.....


After coming home from a weekend trip daddy Dave noticed that the bird feeder was empty, he just figured the birds were hungry while we were gone but this may not have been the case. While daddy Dave was off at work momma Mandy noticed that a critter was eyeing up the bird feeder.

Here's a closer look, Mr squrriel had scaled the wall and was resting atop an electrical duct, daddy Dave had moved the bird feeder closer to the garage so that the birds dropping and spent seed would not end up on the patio furniture. This placement seems that it has put the feeder in reach of the ever so crafty squrriels . I am a little curious to see the squrriel harvest his next meal, but then it will soon be moved back out of reach.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Nap time...


When it's nap time, it's nap time.........Ella couldn't wait for momma Mandy to put her down for her afternoon nap so she went ahead and started with out her.


Monday, June 9, 2014

Splash park...


Momma Mandy took the girls to a local splash park they had a blast.

Here they enjoy some splashing

Here Malia makes a run for it...