Thursday, February 19, 2015



The first night of sleeting was carefully watched by our cat Zooey she kept an eye on things


Wednesday, February 18, 2015



With new floors installed it was time to sand them, a ossalating sander was suggested so daddy dave took their advise and picked up some sand paper too.

The largest room was completed, but daddy Dave would suggest a drum sander if your sanding a floor in which more surface needs to be removed(stripping a current floor or a un level surface) this sander Took forever.

Next the kitchen was sanded


Daddy Dave even sanded some concrete so that it would have a smooth surface when it was time to be sealed. This job ended up taking the whole day, I was sure glad to let go of that sander at the end of the day, I still have some shakes.


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Neck cramp.....


Everyone loves painting ceilings as is the case here.......but they needed to get done as you can see from the contrast in colors

This project was not short of ceilings in need of a freshing up.


Saturday, February 14, 2015



With the frequent trips being taken down the highway, the tires on the enclosed trailer were tired(get it.....TIRE'd) and after a closer inspection they were hanging on by a wire.

On of the tires actual had a curve, I know tires are suppose to have a curve they are circles, but this one had a curve in the wrong place and wires had started to show. So to keep from having a late night blowout on the way home it was decided to get some new shoes for the trailer.

Here's the new shoes, they did fit quiet nice and offered a little peace of mind on those trips down the highway.


Friday, February 13, 2015

Test drive...


Momma Mandy has created a chore list one of the items upon that list is vacuuming, here malia gives it a spin.

Ella too couldn't resist the soothing hum from the powerful machine, here she takes a gander around the living room.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

More project....


Where daddy dave has been slacking(blog) he has picked up the work on the other project. After putting down hardwood floors in the bathroom they needed to be sealed in with a fresh coat of paint.

Next project in that bathroom was installing a new bathroom fan, but the question was how do you put a square fan in a round hole?

To keep from having to do some drywall work, daddy dave cut out a board in which the new fan would mount into and routed around the edge.

Once installed the new fan covers the old hole, now a coat of paint and it'll blend right in.