Tuesday, November 30, 2010

ive seen this before.....

 here is a pic of our latest project, we have decided to give the whole land lord thing a try, and after stumbling upon a sweet ass deal we had too jump in, and at least get our feet wet. my lovely wife and daughter are posing for this pic, while the final inspect was under way. its all said and done now so well see were it takes us. The Smartest Investments Are Made When Most People Won't- a Realtor saying

yet another corner that has been framed in to hid its contents or is it too just take up space? on my latest project, while inspecting the house, i came across this framed out corner with no current purpose.  don't let this young gent in the pic fool ya he didn't do the work his lovely assistant(wife) did, he was off gallivanting, working on some plumbing.

it does house an old heater vent which goes up through the roof but nothing a new roof vent wont fix and another foot and a half of space for a renter to enjoy. at least  the walls in this house are not made of brick. but of course if the big bad wolf comes he'll just might blow this house down.

Monday, November 29, 2010

time to take out the trash.......

hey.......that's not the trash, where did that dog gone trash can go? hows daddy gonna take out the trash if he cant find the can? momma Mandy won't like that..........

..............or will she? it looks like sneakster dad, while out at his fave home improvement store, picking up some items for his latest project, ran across this gizmo on the reduced rack! i guess you could say that's handy dandy for my wife Mandy. it also helps keeps baby girl out of trouble. out of sight out of mind(until it starts to stink at least).

Sunday, November 28, 2010

lights, malia, action........

just a video clip of Malia seeing the Christmas tree cut on for the first time. the trees not yet decorated but this is an ongoing process. the people behind the scene, daddy, wifey, and auntie #4

Saturday, November 27, 2010

thanksgiving on lenmore........

 o man, o man, look at that spread, i would like to take a min to thank all our sponsors. starting on the right to left. the Marshall clan, sister #2, Dave's bro, and that wonderful wifey of mine.

wheres the baby one may ask well shes neatly tucked away in her highchair in the corner, sitting at the kids table. happy as a pea in a pod.

and of course Mr barkley had a little thanksgiving meal of his own. dad buried a couple leg bones under his crunches against wifeys  better wishes. but he chewed them up just fine and am happy to announce he is still alive and wagging his tail. hope all had a happy thanksgiving

Thursday, November 25, 2010

beware the sock monster.......grrrrrrrr

 this video of the sock monster out on thanksgiving morning,  just helping out with the laundry. at one point she attacks one of my appendages, I'm lucky to still have a leg. i am doing some of the growling but if you listen you can hear her  growling too. this is one of her new favorite things to do and she can do it on command.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

one more reason not too get lip injections.....as if ya need one

there's no party in this mans pants. this young chap looks to have had the misfortune of having a botched lip injection job done. weather or not its a side affect or they just missed his lip and stuck him a couple times in the body, we don't know for sure. if you do decide to get this done here's a little advice, don't go over seas or to Mexico too get this procedure done. STICK to some one you know, get it stick  ha ha

Monday, November 22, 2010

beat down on lenmore....

here the cruel and unusual punishment begins. who would call this a sport when you hang a defenceless burro by his neck and beat him with a bat. yeah sure your blind folded but the colorful papered ass is just hanging in place. with no place to run, with its hooves hanging feet from the ground. no matter how many times they spin you does it make it any fairer?as this unfortunate event takes place a crowd grows as to catch a glimpse of this spectacle. look at the young child, she holds the club as if wishing to take a swing at the defenseless burro. lets help stop bulling, someone please step up and do the right thing, and no not the lady with the blind fold, just put the bat down.

just look at this couple in the back ground, just laughing smiling and having a good o'll time while this horrific hate crime takes place, shame on them. what has this world become! i guess the burro is not the only jackass in this pic. lol we all love ya mom hope you had a happy birthday celebration!!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

having a bad day heres just a little butt crack, that will make yoiu smile.....

wishey washey and a  little splashey, yep its time for a bathey

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

if swat comes, ill be out one escape route......

on to the next home project, finishing off that trap door in the hallway. i figured since i have a baby girl now i need to close off all means of escape, if (or should i say when....noooooo) the time comes where shes trying to sneak out or sneak some boys in, this will not be one of the options. of course this cuts off my means of escape if i get surrounded by a swat team. but i guess id rather fight off swat than teenager boys, so i  framed out the hole.

added some insulation( note- doing insulation this much easier than the previous way).
and then put down some sub flooring. next i have to pull up some of the existing flooring and blend old flooring pulled up during the bathroom Reno, to make it appear as if the hole never was. as of for now ill have to tell my old lady to watch her step cause there is a slight dip in the hallway. its a reversed speed bump maybe it will slow Malia down.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

stand up if ya like clean dipers, warm milk, and long naps

here is a video of that little miss peanut, she is a little explorer head. she has started pulling her self up on items such as coffee table and the couch. she still is not fully crawling but still opts for the military crawl. she sometimes crawls for a couple paces on the rug but not much more.

Monday, November 15, 2010

just doing a little manscaping to this old house...

i guess you can say that old house on lenmore was in much need of a little manscaping. for those that aren't in the know-how manscaping is general referred to a man taking care of his personal hygiene, shaving, trimming, working out, improving his manscape (not landscape). but this old house needed a little trim work done to his facial hair. this pic is a pre -manscape pic. you can see the out of control growth of his beard/vine. as a youth i would always hear mother tell o'll pops to trim his beard cause it was getting in the way of those little smooches. well if this old house was getting any action it would definitely be a tickley smooch.
here he is, cleaned up with that much needed trim. i guess you can say he has some clean cut sideburns, or some sexy mutton chops. this usually has to get done twice a year but his owners have been a little busy. his trim was finished up in the nick of time with the threat of rain on the horizon.

here is a little fellow hanging out on the inside of the screen getting a little morning sun on his belly.

Friday, November 12, 2010

a quick tip 2 help save $ in this current economy....

under the current economy many people and been looking for any way to cut cost and to trim the monthly bills, this tip will help save with the consumption of tp(toilet paper). ingredients block of Cheddar, clove of garlic, half a onion, jar of pimentos, and of course your favorite mayonnaise.(dukes preferable) Instructions- grate cheese, grate garlic clove and onion on fine side of grater, put into bowl, mix in the whole jar of pimentos, a little pepper, and a couple healthy scoops of mayonnaise, more or less to your specific taste(sister # 2 just mix in the whole jar). stir until mixed thoroughly. (remember the more cheese used the greater the savings) you are now ready to enjoy, eat sit back and watch that money -pile up.(pun not intended)

look- here is baby Malia heading straight for that fresh batch of homemade pimento cheese, man it must be good!

this a quick video of Malia after being suited up in here bear suit, before a quick trip outdoors, enjoy

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

most people might like an ice cold draft.......

here is a rare pic of an Eastern Concord brown bear, deep in its seasonal ritual of hibernation. after a quick run (to Goldy locks house and back)with her father, baby bear was all tuckered out.

and so a quick update on the latest project. some people may like an ice cold draft, but not many like one blowing through ones house.( most people prefer them in a glass) when me and my lovely wife first brought our homestead the previous owners had turned an old window into a bookshelf. we revised this shelf and turned it into a place to set the TV. well in the past two winters we have noticed a cold draft coming from around the TV, time to fix this. the pic is showing this window with the TV absent. notice no insulation.

here is a pic of some sheet insulation cut and in place.(insulation provided by -a previous illegal growing operation-not me-but it was free99)

and here is a final pic with the insulation painted flat black, no matter how hard the ladies of the house begged to leave it pink. now comes the joy of re hooking up the tube. good times

Thursday, November 4, 2010

jump around, jump around, jump up , jump up, to get down

this is just a quick video of Malia enjoying her bouncy hanging chair set up thinga magigger. and yes that's mom as the back ground noise, for those that might be confused.