Thursday, March 26, 2015

Floor paint....


It's time for sealing In the floors with some oil based wood paint....

It's coming along great, with potential tents to be moving in the first of the month it's crunch time.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Silly girls......


Here malia is being plain silly....

Ella often has deep conversations in the garden with the monk/saint here she offers a little support


Tuesday, March 24, 2015



After replacing a larger window with a smaller window , a little work was needed on the inside.

For a faster result the old window space was framed out accenting the new, this cut down on drywall repair and blending. It just adds a little character

One more coat of paint and then it's golden.


Monday, March 23, 2015

Find a Ella in a needle stack?


Have you every laided down and relaxed on a pile of needles? Here Ella takes some time out to enjoy the warm weather.

While daddy Dave was cleaning up a property the girls entertained themselves, I don't think the piles of pine needles are as comfortable as a pile of leaves would be.


Friday, March 20, 2015

Mudd art...


Here's a clip from one of the local artist here on Lenmore, it seems that mudd makes for a good paint.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Bath night.....


Here momma Mandy dries Ellas hair after bath night, Malias hair had already been done, those girls keep momma busy.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Best compliment.......


My oldest daughter Malia(5), gave the the best compliment the other day she said "dad your breath smells like hamburgers". If you knew how much daddy Dave loves hamburgers you'd understand.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Rental window replace.....



As work Continues on the latest project this set of windows came into light, the old ones We're mismatched and had broken glass they wouldn't open they had seen better days. Daddy dave decided to replace the double set with a single.

First the old set was removed...

The new opening was framed and the new window installed.....

Daddy dave had the girls out lending a helping hand, here momma Mandy works on some finishing touches, wood siding sheathing. Darkness was upon us but the job was finished

Now all we need it a coat of paint and some drywall repair on the inside.


Monday, March 16, 2015

All done...


Here Ella is telling her mother she's all done......

But after a closer inspection it seems that most of her lunch was under the plate....dosent she know it's easier to slip it to mr poops? No evidence that way.