Friday, September 4, 2015

Bathroom redo....


The bathroom on this rental property needed some attention, with a lot of people living in this house and no exhaust fan moisture tended to stay in the bathroom allowing the drywall to get soft, not to mention having some anger taken out on it.(holes)

The drywall was removed 4' from the floor/tub all the way around the bathroom.

And replaced with this mold resistant drywall.......

The first coat of drywall mudd has been applied, one more coat and the sanding yah.


Clarke ec-8 .....


Lately daddy Dave has been doing hardwood flooring work on his property's and instead of keep renting a floor sander he picked up this used sander off Craig's list(it has been rode hard and put away wet) and needs some loving care.

The exhaust tube was missing so I formed a makeshift one out of 2" pvc from a local hardware store..

Next I need to fashion some sort of catching bag with a drawstring to catch the dust..... Maybe my sweet thing will give me a hand, but I may have to use some cloth and a zip tie until a suitable one is formed.


Thursday, September 3, 2015

Rental deck...


While hustling to finish up the last rental house, daddy Dave needed to address this weathered deck.....this was fairly simple

After replacing some of the older deck boards........

The whole setup was pressure washed, it cleaned up nicely, should get a couple more years out of it before it needs to be rebuilt.