Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Fun with water.......


Malia loves to play in or with water, while playing outside Malia decided to shed her pants(cause they were wet or so she says). Here she waters one of her toy dump trucks in her underwear. She'll water anything as long as it sits still Barkley is not a willing participant.


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Pick your battles........


Barkley aka Mr Poops knows when to pick his battles in this situation I guess he figured it wasn't worth the fight.

Hey now hands off the nose.......Malia insisted she was his momma.


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Beep....beep.....beep ....


Well often daddy Dave is switching between trailers so he is often unhooking and rehooking. He sometimes can line up the trailer hitches on first try but often has to do a dance in order to line up just right. While out at a local tool store they had a deal on some antenna tennis ball sort of contraption which has magnets which attach to the hitch and ball allowing you to line them up as you back up. Daddy Dave decided why not he'll give them a try. These backup aids did seem to help but presented another problem,sense the trailers are not on flat ground this causes the antenna to lean slightly which when backing up it gives you the illusion that your right on track when actual you'll off by a couple of inches.


Well while out at same tool store just cruising around, daddy dave ran across this "back up hitch guide" located on the damaged rack aka marked down rack. After closer inspection all the parts were there so he figured what the heck ill give it a try.

It consist of four parts and two pins.

Here it is just quickly put together, the bottom plate attaches to your existing hitch and stays attached after your done.

It seemed to work quite well, here is a pic of a successful hook up. After your hooked up and secure you remove the pins which hold the plates in place and then remove the plates. Maybe daddy Dave can take off his dancing shoes hopefully the back up aid will help keep daddy Dave from doing the "trailer hookup" a new line dance coming to celebration events near you aka weddings etc, move over electric slide.


Friday, July 26, 2013

Bearded lady?......


No this is not a pic of a bearded lady but is a pick of my baby sis being silly. At least their not permeant, how many clothes pins can you stick to our face?


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tender morsel.........


To detour the hungry dinosaur daddy Dave offered a tasty morsel, the Dino refused. Ella must have had a dirty diaper, for a hungry dino to turn down such a sweet tender young meal.

While at the zoo they had a dinosaur exhibit, these dinosaurs were motorized. Malia was not fond of this, being she just came out of a 3d dinosaur movie and would not go near them.

Of course a taradactyl was present........


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Zoo continued......



A pic of the local friendly elephant....

And here's sofie hanging out with some distant relatives...... Can you see them in the distance....get it DISTANT relatives.......

These girls were getting tuckered out, when momma Mandy gave Ella a bottle she feel asleep after about two swallows.


Tired girls or not the trip continued, here Malia spots a seal.
A polar bear was just trying stay cool...

The park closed before we were done, being peaceful citizens we left on our own free will but we were all tuckered out .......


Monday, July 22, 2013

Big omelette........


Malia loved the large dinosaur eggs at the zoo.......

I guess this would be a triple yoke egg.


Saturday, July 20, 2013



The other day momma Mandy and daddy Dave along with the Marshall's took the ladies to the NC zoo.

Here's Malia at the start bright eyed and bushy tailed.......this was her first ever trip to the zoo.

Heres a couple lazy lions..

Malia monkeying around.....

I think this fellow spends a little to much time on his back side.....

Here's Malia is driving "Mrs Mandy", notice she's driving with a gangster lean(leaning way back unnecessary in her seat). More pics to come......


Friday, July 19, 2013

Table manners.............


I don't know if she got more spaghetti on her body or in her mouth......but she gave it her best shot.

Hey........no cats at the table....shoooo....shooooo.....


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Strap on......


Strap on your wings and lets go......here Ella poses for a pic.


Monday, July 15, 2013



Just an pic a silly goose that resides here at the homestead on Lenmore.


Saturday, July 13, 2013

Artsy ......


While momma Mandy's brother was down visiting from Ohio, they got hands on with some projects around the house. Here they mod podged up some paper patterns onto wooden plaques, and arranged them upon the wall.

Here a similar method was used with different patterns and different plaques.

Another project was the making of new exterior shower curtains, here is a finished pic of one of the two needed to surround the claw foot. Uncle Jared lent a much needed hand wether it was quieting down the girls or running the sewing machine.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Now that's a big screen .........


Today momma Mandy took Malia to her first movie previewing. What she go see but "Despicable 2", the first movie is one of her favorites. just the two of them went, some Momma and big sister time. It was a surprise she didn't know until we were putting on her shoes after dinner. If you start the day off with telling her about the surprise then all day long all you here is ..."when we gonna go?" and forget about her taking a nap, its not gonna happen. Sometimes it's just best to spring it on her.

What's a movie with out popcorn....

Popcorn. check ....drink check........blanket check....lets do this......momma said Malia didn't even weigh enough to hold down the spring loaded seat.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Rain or shine ........


The other day while the girls were down for a nap momma mandy got out the pool. In this situation it was raining and shining(the crazy weather we've been having). Both girls loved it, hey momma the pools big enough jump on in.