Friday, July 5, 2013

Snake in the grass.....


Soon after getting home from a relaxing vacation I received a urgent call from one of my landscape customers it seemed she had seen a black snake crawl across her yard, and wanted her grass cut ASAP. It didn't matter that her yard wasn't in need of a cut, she didn't care, She wanted her grass cut as soon as possible regardless. Well I guess all this recent rain is not the only thing good for the lawn cutting business. Snakes seem to drum up the request for cuts/trimming/weeding also. This was not the first costumer who had me do yard work because the sighting of a snake. One costumer was lucky enough for the snake to still be on the scene. Daddy Dave was did use some lighting quick ninja skills, grabbed it by the neck relocated it and let it go. O... Man when that lady saw that snake she ran around the corner of the house faster that a stick of butter sliding down a hot tin roof in the middle of July. Don't let it fool ya daddy Dave can't stand snakes ether but he's sort of creating a sort of comradery with them, I might just start letting them go to drum up business.


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