Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Rice of the crispies ...........


Here Malia is perched atop a chair which momma mandy has placed at the kitchen counter. The mission this day is to make up a batch of rice crispy treats.

Here Malia carefully measures out the necessary ingredients. Surprise surprise when Malia went to mush the treats Into the pan she didn't want to get sticky/messy. one of the rice crispies stuck to her finger and she said eeeeeewwwwww. Another surprise she won't even eat them despite all the yummy sound effects which mommy and dad make while eating them (mmmmmmmm, ahhh, this is so dilishes).

and a pic of the final product, and the cooks.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Tumble weeds of 2012......

Well it seems we have tumble dry sheets.........they are seen blowing in the wind (ceiling fan) and often found tucked away in the corners and under beds. These dryer sheets come out with the laundry and often escape only to find them at a later date. I guess it's better to have dryer sheets sliding across the floor than creepy crawlers securing across the room.

Sunday, July 29, 2012



Just the other day the family of Anderson's on lenmore decide to grill out some chicken and enjoy some outdoors. Here you can see Mr poops is in his usual fetch mode ready for the discharge of the ball.

While enjoying the outdoors Malia wanted to play some basket ball, here she is making a shot at the hoop.

Her tose just coming up a little short......


use #458 for a daddy..........score!


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pasta sauce........

Here we have another one of mom a Mandy's bright ideas.......let's make some homemade spaghetti sauce(actual both of our ideas but I like to blame her just in case something goes wrong). This would be our first time canning use water bath canning method or any canning method matter of fact. Here we have some of the nessary supplies, momma mandy went out and picked up two boxes of organic heirloom tomatoes, from her local organic hot spot. We had been saving our pasta sauce jars hopping we could reuse them and the lids fit just right.....just a little money saving tip for you newbe canners out there.

Here we have some more of the needed supplies and of course some canning literature, being the first time for us, we needed to make sure we were doing it right.

what do you mean this is not how you make tomatoe sauce......it's like making wine right? ............What it's my secret ingredient.

here we have the quartered tomatoes, next we added some spices, garlic, oregano, parsley, bell peppers, onions, basil, and fresh rosemary.

Here we have a pic of the stewed tomatoes filling the house with the smell of delishisness . We also have the canning pot coming up to tempeture, it is a fairly large pot so it did take some time to reach temp.
after sterilizing the jars and lids we added a teaspoon of lemon juice and the now prepared tomatoes or shall I say spaghetti sauce. We ran the tomato concoction through the food processor to blend evenly.

next they went in for a dip..........

and here they are after the predetermined time, setting to cool. While sitting in the living room that evening we could hear the seals popping, we are happy to report there were no casualties so we were 12 for 12. But one small problem.......we still have one more box, it looks like more canning is to come.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Wasp bath.......


Here's what we're dealing with, after Malias pool has been filled and has sat for a while, as you can see some algae growing, wasp come in for a drink. This makes the walk from the garage to the house a little treacherous, with all the flying wasp about. Momma mandy is not to fond of this as is daddy Dave.

well the simple solution would be to drain the pool, but daddy Dave not wanting to waste the water has been using it for the outside potted plants. So how'd all the dead wasp end up in the pool? Well when the wasp land to drink they tend not to be so careful. So daddy Dave stands off to the side with a fly swatter waiting for the unsuspecting wasp. I then run up and WACK.......and then sprint off wildly. Many times there are 3 to 4 swarming the pool, but daddy Dave so far has come out unscathed.


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Book worms.......

When the sun has settled and the time has arose for Malia to lay down for the night she often enjoys a good bed time story. Here momma mandy is reading just such a book while snuggled up in her bed, dad just stuck his head in and snapped a pick.

just a view from momma mandy perspective.......there's been a lot of action going on in the baby dept but no baby yet.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Table fun....


This is use #746 for a dinning room table


A all exclusive "girls only" fort.......

And what better to do than relax in your very own fort.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

No dance lessons needed.......

While at the wedding the adults were slow to make it to the dance floor so some of the children took over the hardwood. Here Malia made her way to the floor at first looking a little shy( but don't let that look fool ya that girl is a dancing machine)

After a quick warm up with her pops she was ready to show her moves. Of course daddy Dave kept a sharp eye just to make sure there was no dirty dancing.

off she went shaking her groove thang all over the dance floor.........wait till she's older and learns that those cool moves she learned from her parents aren't so cool after all........what?.....the running man and the robot still rock the dance floor.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Drummer girl...baarump rump bump bump bump......

The other evening daddy dave, accompanied with my ladies, went to a friends fancy wedding. It was hosted lake side with all the wedding fixings.....open bar......DJ.....tent......live band.....and sesames seed buns. During the live band portion I placed Malia topside, Malia must have been admiring the drummer because she soon took her blankie and covered dads head. a fancy wedding were blankies were allowed? We are fairly close to the groom so we were allowed special privileges. Malia then proceeded to drum on daddy's covered head, with her hands. no one could see dads grimiancing under the blankie, good cover, well played.



Malia upgraded and was handed a nice set of table side drum sticks, and again she proceeded to play the drums on dads head, thanks momma Mandy. Nothing like a fork to the head followed by a knife.

After the time grew late it was time to bid farewell to the bride and groom and make our way to the car for the ride home. But not without first getting their feet wet in the lake. Here you can catch a side profile of momma Mandy's baby bump, dang that woman's about to pop.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sun food.......

Here we have a pic of momma Mandy harvesting some sunflower seeds grown on the ol homestead.

Here Malia is using her new/used booster seat which we picked up at a seasonal kids exchange event. She now sits up to the table shaing the table top with the adults. The other high chair will be come the new siblings. And of course Mr Barkley sits at her feet, awaiting scraps.

Saturday, July 21, 2012



I know she's growing up fast but this grey in her hair is not from age or stress. No these are not those stylish hair highlights but a dash of latex paint? To explain.........Well with the new baby on the way I have been finishing up a couple projects which aren't baby friendly. And a couple of these projects involved paint. And as careful as daddy David, was but no matter how much of a Eagle eye he kept on Malia she still got it on her, I still don't know how? .....she was no were near the paint until after the dry time, but the picture doesn't lye.

In Malias room I repainted and hung the bi-fold doors and added a piece of trim on the floor to help raise the doors and divide the closet from the room.

And finished the trim around the mirror in the bed room.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Wasp feeder......


This is a bird feeder although it is empty(squirrels) a wasp has made it's way inside trapped for a brief moment. From the safety of the plexey glass daddy Dave snapped this pic. Afterwards shaking up the wasp causing it to get a little rilled up, then retreating to the safety of the house.

Thursday, July 19, 2012



Well it was time to do some yearly maintenance on the ole lawn mowers, the mower pictured above I had picked up off ole Craigslist. It was far past due for a oil change and filters, the oil was blacker than two crows flying in the dead of night in a coal mine with no flashlight.....now that's black. This mower has a handy dandy valve with a hose for easy oil changes.

while I had the mower out I sanded and painted the muffler and air box, the rusting on the exhaust can make for a shorter life than usual so I sprayed on a rust killer, heat primer. here's a before pic.....

and a after........you can see my supporters in the back ground, momma Mandy, Jelly bean and Malia.