Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pasta sauce........

Here we have another one of mom a Mandy's bright ideas.......let's make some homemade spaghetti sauce(actual both of our ideas but I like to blame her just in case something goes wrong). This would be our first time canning use water bath canning method or any canning method matter of fact. Here we have some of the nessary supplies, momma mandy went out and picked up two boxes of organic heirloom tomatoes, from her local organic hot spot. We had been saving our pasta sauce jars hopping we could reuse them and the lids fit just right.....just a little money saving tip for you newbe canners out there.

Here we have some more of the needed supplies and of course some canning literature, being the first time for us, we needed to make sure we were doing it right.

what do you mean this is not how you make tomatoe's like making wine right? ............What it's my secret ingredient.

here we have the quartered tomatoes, next we added some spices, garlic, oregano, parsley, bell peppers, onions, basil, and fresh rosemary.

Here we have a pic of the stewed tomatoes filling the house with the smell of delishisness . We also have the canning pot coming up to tempeture, it is a fairly large pot so it did take some time to reach temp.
after sterilizing the jars and lids we added a teaspoon of lemon juice and the now prepared tomatoes or shall I say spaghetti sauce. We ran the tomato concoction through the food processor to blend evenly.

next they went in for a dip..........

and here they are after the predetermined time, setting to cool. While sitting in the living room that evening we could hear the seals popping, we are happy to report there were no casualties so we were 12 for 12. But one small problem.......we still have one more box, it looks like more canning is to come.


Anonymous said...

Looks awsome, I want try this out, but have not found my tomato hot spot yet. I do have like 30 Classico sauce jars I saved up in Germany, with nothing to put in them yet.


Woodie said...

looks great, y'all! I've never done this, we've been making roasted tom sauce in the oven and freezing it. I love summer!

4th sister said...

looks like a lotta work! :) but fun!

Azulparsnip said...

you are soooo goofy, poofy!