Monday, July 23, 2012

Drummer girl...baarump rump bump bump bump......

The other evening daddy dave, accompanied with my ladies, went to a friends fancy wedding. It was hosted lake side with all the wedding band.....and sesames seed buns. During the live band portion I placed Malia topside, Malia must have been admiring the drummer because she soon took her blankie and covered dads head. a fancy wedding were blankies were allowed? We are fairly close to the groom so we were allowed special privileges. Malia then proceeded to drum on daddy's covered head, with her hands. no one could see dads grimiancing under the blankie, good cover, well played.



Malia upgraded and was handed a nice set of table side drum sticks, and again she proceeded to play the drums on dads head, thanks momma Mandy. Nothing like a fork to the head followed by a knife.

After the time grew late it was time to bid farewell to the bride and groom and make our way to the car for the ride home. But not without first getting their feet wet in the lake. Here you can catch a side profile of momma Mandy's baby bump, dang that woman's about to pop.


schallef1 said...

OMG Honey you're gonna pop!

momma mandy said...

Believe me, I know :)