Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dad gum squirrel......


Here we have pictured a half eaten green tomatoe, Sitting daintily upon the gate which leads into the garden. Who would eat half a raw green tomatoe and leave it sitting almost as to taunt the gardeners with half eaten fruits of their labor. Well the culprit is a squirrel!!!! a grey haired, bird feed eating, four legged, two eyed, fluffy tail, rascal. We had began to notice the ripened red tomatoes disappear, and show up half eaten around the garden. Well we thought we would fix that problem and started picking them before ripening and let them ripen In the window out of the reach of those greedy squirrels. Well it looks as if the squirrel decided just to go southern and eat them green(just not fried first). How does it feel to be taken advantage of by a bunch of squirrels ? Not so nice I would have to say, I think I just might have to train Mr poops (Barkley) to be an attack dog. A squirrel killing machine........good luck on that, as long as I can get a squirrel shaped ball to throw to train him it might be a possibility. He can bring them back drop them at my feet and well have squirrel soup for dinner and squirrel coats for the winter season.

And just a pic of my latest road side find, this was not found while out on a run but more of a drive by find. Not to say daddy Dave wouldn't have picked it up if he was out for a run but does admit it would look kind of gay running with a spin wheel......weeeeeeeeeeeee.



Woodie said...

We've got some of those evildoers round here, too.

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

You might consider a pellet rifle. But that would be resorting to Violence!