Saturday, September 27, 2014

Chicken dance......


The other day daddy Dave brought home a find for malia, she was excited here she was doing a chicken dance............complete with sounds. However she still has not mastered the tricycle, so we shall see how the bicycle goes.


Friday, September 26, 2014

Hands up.....


During a past trip to work on the latest project, as we arrived on the scene so did the local swat team. With guns drawn they stormed and surrounded a house just down the street. How ever the supect was not home, and they soon left after canvassing the neirborhood, can you say I might be in the wrong neirborhood. However this could happen in any neirborhood.


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pumpkin carriage........


It's no pumpkin carriage, but Malias latest build is pretty smart, here she set up a horse(giraffe) and carriage, complete with a covered carriage. Ella rides atop driving the garaffe, she had the hand motions and all.

Here malia plays the part of Cinderella......


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Spin the wheel......



On a recent long distance road trip daddy Dave's truck developed quite a shimmy and a shake along the way back. After closer inspection to was discovered that two the the tires had split radials which caused the tires to develope a hump and uneven surfaces, this made for a roof ride. However this was not the first time this happend right before the trip was taken one of the front tires had already split but this was fixed prior to the trip. Daddy Dave credits it too poor tire quality, three out of the four tires had split radials all with a week of each other. The brand "Nixon" was very disappointing in the longevity of the tires and would not be recommended.



Here's a shot video clip showing the hump in the tire

After a trip to the tire store and an empty wallet, 4new tires were put on the chariot, finally that smooth ride was achieved, too bad it wasn't present for the all so long road trip.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Meow .....




Sunday, September 21, 2014


After sorting all the trash from the clothes, furniture and household goods all the tenets belongings needed to be stored for a set amount of time(legaly) in order to allow time for the tenant to make it right and gether their stuff back.

Here we have someone's life stuffed in a 8x8 storage unit, kind of sad if you think about it.......but so is the condition of my house.

Now that the kitchen and rooms are free from debris it's time for clean up to begin....

Roach poo and roach eggs are the only things left in these drawers.....

.you can even see the floors in the bedrooms....


The next step was to put an end to the roaches, now daddy dave is all about family but this family reunion of roaches was about to come to an end. This house went up in smoke before the doors were locked and the day was called a "day", Next well be sweeping up roaches.


Saturday, September 20, 2014



While working on our latest adventure daddy dave stumbled across some disgusting finds While cleaning out the kitchen. example here is a plate of left over hot dogs and ribs( now property of the local maggots).........yeah a face mask was worn to "mask" the smell, but while pouring out the curdled milk daddy dave almost threw up in the mask. The microwave was full of left food and now dried maggots carcus body's throughout.


And a open Tupperware container full of left over crab was found everywhere, there was a trash can full of spagetti, five thousand soda cans full of someone's dippings(spit). Food was found in every room of the house from left over hamburgers to left over cookies and the roaches weren't far behind.

This is what the stove top looked like as well as the sides of the fridge. There was so many roaches, we saw six generations, great great great great grand papa roaches and on. After the contents of the house was emptied they sat in herds in the corners not quite sure what to do.

There were no clean dishes in the house all were soiled however some made it into the sink ....of course with food still on them. We found many discarded rubber gloves from the tenets not even wanting to touch theor own items in the house of course they weren't in a trash can but thrown on the floor. Daddy dave was thankfull To have help from momma Mandy and uncle Nate(however they weren't so lucky).


Friday, September 19, 2014

Apples Picking.....


The other morning daddy dave and the girls made it out for some apple picking at an local orchard. We had a bushel bag which needed to get filled.

Many of the trees were low enough for Ella and malia to pick apples with no problem...

And of course the apples had to be tested advised by the orchard owners which these two girls had no problem doing. A bushel was achieved in no time with all the help from the girls.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Keep the peace......


When daddy Dave woke up early this morning to make his way to work, he looked down to see Zooey resting nicely on Barkley's pillow. Barkly was across the room lying uncomfortably on the floor. Often at night I can here Barkley pacing around the room trying to avoiding the cat who likes to attack him while he sleeps. Barkley just huff and puffs and try's to avoid that trouble making feline.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Super fly.......


Here's a pic of some cousins at the park swinging high.........Phina , Malia and Ella all caught in mid flight.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Team work......


Today the letter of the week in Malias school was "B" , so momma Mandy and the girls made some Banana bread. Here the girls are ready to get started, momma Mandy has them nicely positioned on opposite sides of the counter(smart).

The finished product, maybe next we can make some Big Bacon Burgers on sesame seed Bun, I think I can get use to the letter "B" it might B Beneficial to daddy Dave.


Friday, September 12, 2014

7 years........


Momma Mandy and daddy Dave dropped off the girls at the Marshall's and went out for some din at a Japanese resturant in celebration of their 7 year wedding anniversary. Here's a quick pic momma Mandy snapped(phone). It almost looks like her drink is on fire.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Fair weather......


It's time of the year for a trip to the fair, here uncle Nate was fixing to milk a cow..........Malia got stage fright.

But Malia didn't get stage fright on the fire truck ride with daddy Dave.....

The Marshall's joined us with Seraphina piggy backing......

Here's a pic atop the Ferris wheel.......

And across from daddy and Malia was Ella and momma Mandy.......

Clouds were rolling in but all stayed dry, the clouds just aided in shielding from the hot sun.


Monday, September 8, 2014

Fire girl.......


As Malia gets older she graduates to more obstacles on the swing set. Some items she's never played on before. While on a past trip to the park she discovered the pole slide, here she is demonstrating how it's done.

Where'ed I put that jar of Vasoline(mean trick)....

At the bottom at last, let's hope Ella dosent try this untill she's a little older.


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Pit stop.........


On the way home from working on a couple rentals daddy Dave's trailer had a blow out going down the highway......

But no worries..... daddy Dave had everything needed to preform the task at hand....

The spare was mounted on the front of the trailer complete with a bird nest inside(no birds though).

In no time ......pit master daddy Dave was on his way back home to his ladies.