Thursday, February 28, 2013



Please return your seats to the upright position and prepare for a landing. Just a in flight breakfast bottle before daddy's red eye round day trip begins. Here is a pic of Ella finishing off her breakfast bottle, daddy Dave put her in a reclined position to aid in milk consumption.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bed buddies......


The other morning as I roll over to the daily morning sounds, Ella warming up her vocals over the baby monitor and Malia calling for her mother. I some how manage to find my feet pull them out of bed and place them under myself as I groggily find the proper attire(birthday suit wouldn't be acceptable). I turn to see that I had a couple of bed buddies still lying in bed. If you can't make out the friendly companions I took a close up pic.

Yep that's a couple of Cheerios, honey nut to say the least, which in some way have made their way into mother and daddy's bed. Now I as far as I know momma Mandy's doesn't do much eating in the boudoir and Daddy Dave doesn't either so that pretty much leaves it up to our oldest daughter Malia. Now this is a story ill have to get from her mother but at least there wasn't milk to go along with the ceral.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hot flush.......


Well it seems that a pervious installer most likely not an professional hooked the toilet supply line to the hot line. Every time you flushed it was a hot flush, not very energy efficient to say the least.

After a few cuts, some new elbows and some glue the problem was fixed.


Monday, February 25, 2013

Drummer hair.....


The past few days when ever I would rub, bump, or touch my ear I heard a funny sound. Almost like swimmers ear but it was defiantly something with my eardrum. A couple days the discomfort was still there so I grabbed a Q-tip for a cleaning, when the Q-tip was extracted.... look at what was attached.......a dag blasted Barkley hair. It had been caught by the ear wax which was present but made it just close enough to eardrum to touch. Whenever the ear was touched the Barkley hair would rub the eardrum. Those darn dog hairs make it everywhere, lunch at work (or any meal),floors, walls, bathing, car, outside, Mandy's even had a couple dog hair splinters, but this is a new one on me the inner ear. There will be Barkley DNA in the form of hair strands far after he's gone to heaven(all dogs go to heaven).


Friday, February 22, 2013

Shame on you daddy Dave....shame.....


This morn while the wife was gone to work daddy Dave decided to gather up the girls and take his truck to the shop to get it inspected(past due). Well getting the girls together is a task in itself but was achieved, after the girls were loaded up daddy Dave had to un hook the trailer and we'd be on our way......not so fast buster. After daddy unhooked he had to pull into the grass in order to get around the trailer.......not a good thing...slip....slide.....and we're stuck. All the recent rain had turned the back yard into a slippery wonder land, after some navigating(backward and forward) we were even more stuck or stucker.

The truck was starting to slide down the hill towards a pile of wood...which would be a mess. So I called it quits (among other things....I think Malia has a few new vocabulary words) and unloaded the girls and went back into the house to brew.

Shame on you daddy bring shame upon the chevy name by letting that Honda pull you out...tisk..tisk I hope your happy with yourself. Do what you have to do, I attached a tow stap to the rice burner and then to the gas burner. I spun the wheels while my lovely assistant applied pressure, this straightened out the truck.

After the truck was straightened the combination of v8 power and Honda power freed the grey goose from the clutches of slippery substance. Somehow I feel my ole lady wont ever let me live it down, but ill manage to pick up my wounded pride.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Knock knock....who's there?.....



While doing some much needed repairs on a rental property I came to the need to address the front door. It seems that at some point the pervious tents had been removed and at some point came back for some belongs. With the door being locked they broke the window in order to gain interior lock access.


With time being of the essence removal of the broken pane, recutting a new match (actually 2) and reinstalling was time consuming so a different plan was formed. First a piece of flooring under lament (left over from floor install) was cut to size and mounted.

Then daddy Dave went to the scrap pile and found some used door trim which was not needed, removed the nails and cut to size with the table saw.

The thin flooring lament was then framed out using the recycled trim......

And then a pre coat of white was added to blend in with the door, next a final coat and then done, on too next task. This new modification will make it harder to the future to access the inner locking hardware.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Carolina snow.....



What is Carolina snow? you may ask well its light snow, that rarely comes, causes a big panic, a lot of accidents(non drivers), madness galore, a run to the store for milk and bread, excitement for the young ones(and adults) and makes for a beautiful scenery.

It was coming down pretty good, but I'm sure the northerners would just laugh at the pathetic snow shower.

You've always been told not to eat yellow snow.....right, here this basket ball has the dreaded yellow snow upon its surface.

This is the reason.....


Monday, February 18, 2013

Be mine......


Just a couple pic of valentines day on ole lenmore, here Malia decorates the door with some colored cut out hearts, for momma mandy to see when she gets home. Barkley patiently waits to be let back in from doing his morning business.

When momma arrives home after a day of working for the man she comes barring gifts. Malia loved the ballon taking it every where with her, Ella could care less but was happy to see her mother.


Friday, February 15, 2013

Rental progress.....


Here's where we picked up.....yeah pretty nasty to say the least


A different angle still nasty though, no matter how you look at it.

Here's were we stand now, a lot of little things left to do but it's coming together, like night and day.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Fur ball........


While the boys were doing work outside what were the laddies up too? Well here we see a pile of cats sleeping nicely snuggled up for a afternoon nap.

Here Malia explains where all the cats went.....probably something to do with her.


Ella enjoyed a bottle of milk with her aunt Rose....

Grandmother played some tunes.....

And Malia sorted some colorful stones.....


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Rough Rider..........


Here Ella warms up grandpas motorcycle before taking a spin down the highway and to a local pub for a fresh bottle of milk.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

It's electric.......


The other day momma mandy the girls uncle Nate and daddy Dave all took a trip down to the grandparents homestead out in the woods. Grandpa was working on a project and could use some assistance being it was quit a labor extensive job. Grandpa was running an electric line out too his workshop, so first an trench was dug.

Then the line was set.

Next the line was covered

With the line ran and covered it was time for the brains too hook up some breaker boxes and outlets. By the end of the evening power was on in the workshop. Uncle Nate stayed the night to lend a hand in the morning to finish some additional wiring but not until we had a delicious din served by grandmother.


Monday, February 11, 2013

Perfect night for a Bonfire......



Well ol daddy Dave has been slowly adding to a scrap pile of wood and debris of which was time to dispose of. What better way to do this than to have a bonfire, but with safety first on daddy Dave's mind so he gathered some nessasary tools and took some precautions to help prevent mishaps. He first moved his truck and trailer to safe location, hooked up the garden hose and gathered some shovels. What made this such a good night to have a fire was it was raining.........this helped ease daddy Dave concern of a stray spark causing a fire.

Next daddy Dave chose his poison..........the container chosen contained some left over bad gas.

Daddy's girl stayed up as late a her mother would allow, helping to keep an eye on things. She stayed dry under an umbrella which was not the case for her father.