Monday, February 25, 2013

Drummer hair.....


The past few days when ever I would rub, bump, or touch my ear I heard a funny sound. Almost like swimmers ear but it was defiantly something with my eardrum. A couple days the discomfort was still there so I grabbed a Q-tip for a cleaning, when the Q-tip was extracted.... look at what was attached.......a dag blasted Barkley hair. It had been caught by the ear wax which was present but made it just close enough to eardrum to touch. Whenever the ear was touched the Barkley hair would rub the eardrum. Those darn dog hairs make it everywhere, lunch at work (or any meal),floors, walls, bathing, car, outside, Mandy's even had a couple dog hair splinters, but this is a new one on me the inner ear. There will be Barkley DNA in the form of hair strands far after he's gone to heaven(all dogs go to heaven).


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