Thursday, February 7, 2013



Well I'm sure most of you are familiar with some of the joys of having children . Sleepless nights, dirty diapers, spitting up, crying, pooping, more crying and more pooping just to name a few. But this blog is paying particular attention to the burping aspect and daddy Dave's time piece. It seems no matter what you do short of wrapping yourself and everything else in Saran wrap a baby's milk burps will get on everything. But one of the worst involves my watch, occasional our youngest girl(still in diapers) burps up and it runs down my arm and under my watch. Now that's the worst cause you can't just wipe it off and it's warm and smelly and slimy. Ahhhhh but when she smiles at you it just melts your heart........all the cheesy, gooey warm recycled milk is worth it.


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