Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bed buddies......


The other morning as I roll over to the daily morning sounds, Ella warming up her vocals over the baby monitor and Malia calling for her mother. I some how manage to find my feet pull them out of bed and place them under myself as I groggily find the proper attire(birthday suit wouldn't be acceptable). I turn to see that I had a couple of bed buddies still lying in bed. If you can't make out the friendly companions I took a close up pic.

Yep that's a couple of Cheerios, honey nut to say the least, which in some way have made their way into mother and daddy's bed. Now I as far as I know momma Mandy's doesn't do much eating in the boudoir and Daddy Dave doesn't either so that pretty much leaves it up to our oldest daughter Malia. Now this is a story ill have to get from her mother but at least there wasn't milk to go along with the ceral.


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