Sunday, April 29, 2012

I've got the power........


I bet it wouldn't feel too great to get stuck with this thing. While out cutting grass on one of the rentals I stumbled across this find it was tossed off in some overgrown grass and as I was picking up trash before the cut I discovered it. It was not all in one piece but as I put it together I was soon surprised to see it spark to life. I bet if it made skin contact it might make ya wet your pants. This was defiantly not something that should be laying around for some kid to pick up. I threw it in with the trash but couldn't reset the chance to play with it.....

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Just out of reach.......


Why you may ask, is Malia sitting on the steps and not playing in he sprinkler? Well it seems we have a scaredy cat on our hands. It was hot out so after her and her mother got back from he park momma mandy set up the sprinkler so Maila could cool off.

To momma Mandys dismay Malia didn't want to get wet even though she had on her bathing suit. Here she sits just outside the reach of the spray, almost as if to just enjoying the show.


Friday, April 27, 2012

Shake, rattle and roll........


Well it's time to say good bye to the other girl in my life. For those of you who don't know her her name is ginger(red truck) she's been with me even before I meet my wife. Through thick and thin, stuck, broken down, hauling weight and much more, but there comes a time in ones life where a good things come to a end. Well with the purchase of a new truck I had no need for two so after a little spit shine or a little rattle can she was ready for her time in the spot light(Craig's list).

Here is a pic of halfway through a little a spray on clear coat on the bed cover......

and here is her cover shot.......she was posted and gone in 3-4hrs.....a quick good bye to such a long time pal, you will be missed ginger happy trails.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Well with Malias new found freedom in her bedroom we had to make some adjustments to some items which had the potential to be trouble. One such item was the dipper bucket, if this was left with in the reach of Malia dirty dippers might not be the only contents within. So it made its way to the bathroom, here it sits but it does look a little out of place almost like we're painting the bathroom or such.

Just leave it up to momma mandy after picking a suitable cloth from her stash, she quickly made a cover for the bucket, dressing it up I might say. So as for now the dipper bucket has got a new home and a new set of digs.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Burrito night.........


In preparation for burrito night with the Marshall's, Malia gave her momma a little helping hand rolling out the homemade flour tortillas. Of course she needed a little help in the height dept. but this was solved with use of a stool.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Big girl bed......


Here's a exclusive look at Malias new big girl bed(toddler bed). momma Mandy's first attempt at nap time did not go so well, so we made some adjustments to the layout. And of course this new bed was a craigslist find, found by momma mandy, it came with toy box and shelf, bedding, comforter, mattress and pillow.


Here you can see that the side railing of the crib was removed and the toddler bed pushed up beside. This gave her the comfort of the familiar crib along with the newness of the toddler bed. This is new for her, new bed along with new freedoms.

well she slept soundly through the night with no issues, but what better morning wakeup than a nice cup of coffee(coco), and the morning news.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Finger paint time.......

Momma mandy decided to make some homemade finger paints, nontoxic and kid friendly. Here's some of the ingredients layied out, ready to be assembled.

Here Malia surveys the painting landscape laid out before her. she is dressed for her finger paint session.

Paint time.........

And of course a little clean up afterwards, a nice warm bowl of soapy water.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Feeling kind of squrriely .....


While doing the dishes the other day a saw a fur ball run across the window sill, I looked out to see a squirrel. The squirrel then climbed the brick wall and was helping himself to the bird feed.

So out the side door I went and stuck the camera over the top of the fence, in order to snap a photo with out him seeing me. One pic is all I got before that squrriely fellow was gone.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Costumers Landscape project......


Here we have my last landscape project which was done for one of my grass cutting customers. Here we have pic above the stone layout provided by the home owners, it was kind of like a puzzle.

Here we see the area of the desired patio here the extra mulch has been cleared and the ground leveled

Here the area has been lined with a weed growth inhibitor, and tacked down in place with landscaping pins aka roofing nails.

Here we see the stones going down with a layer of sand underneath to help level.......

More of the blocks layied and the pattern emerges ......

All layied out.........

now a top coating of sand which is swept into the cracks......

All done.........


Friday, April 20, 2012

Cat woman.........


In a city full of crime, with the helpless at the mercy of the criminals there is but one hope,Her name is "Malia" here she sits perched, looking down on the crime riddled streets of concord, she contemplates her next move. Because she annonimously fights crime she remains a legend, does she even exist some ask? No criminal is safe or their I'll deeds forgotten, Malia stands up for the civilians of a little city called concord.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hose it down....


With the dry weather lately, momma mandy when out and mostiened the garden. Well the little helper that Malia is, she went to help out. It seemed she spent more time running in front and under the nosle than behind.

After all that work nothing like a juice bag of sugar water ............aka?.... juice wanna be, to dance on your taste buds.

Ok...... she was already wet but we still needed to add a little soap.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Burgers to be had...........


Well sunday it was burgers on the grill, and full stomachs to be had. Above the smorgasbord of toppings and burgers and sides ..........o my.


Here's a pic of those cousins....

And a pic of that schooling couple........

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Saturday affair......


Just a few pics of the gathering on sat at the Marshall's homestead

This pic is hand off.

The feeding grounds........

The late arrivers or fashionably late partakers.........

Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter egg hunt.......


And she's off, it's like she already knew what to do, she grabbed the basket and off she went.

here's one......


ah another..........

more eggs to be discovered.......



yep she got them all.........

momma mandy put a couple surprises in some of the eggs(reeses). Here she is opening one up

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Pulling power........


Ol daddy Dave picked up some extra horses to help out when pulled and hauling. Old ginger(red truck) just doesn't have the needed space with the new addition on the way. unless momma mandy rides in the back(not happening).

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wiest's are hear.......

Here they are enjoying some burritos, after a long flight. They have a lot of catching up with the sandman to do. Baby wiest is already feed and down for the count.

But not before a little one on one with uncle Nate.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

New construction........


Here it looks as if some carpenter bees(aka bumble bees) have begun to dig in and make some new lodging. It might not be an ideal spot being this is located on the gate. Guest beeeeeware these grounds are guarded by attack bumble bees so enter at your own risk(at least it's not wasp). When I was younger I use to make sport of the bumble bees with a tennis racket, baseball bat or fireworks, tisk tisk. It may have been a hate crime being I was attacked by a wasp while I was deep in sleep one night.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Dishes smishes ........

Well at our house the dishes won't do themselves, here is a rare pic of daddy Dave doing some dishes(not rare cause he doesn't do them but rare cause he doesn't take pictures of himself doing them). In this pic you can see Malia stretched out relaxing, you wait young lady dish washing may be a chore of yours in the future.

here's a close up Malia is relaxing on a pillow designed for a baby, given to us by sis #5 and hubby for the new addition which is in the making, she's just warming it up.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

What Easter bunny?..........

With no Easter bunny on the horizon I guess it was up to momma mandy and daddy Dave with the assistance of Malia to die some eggs. We did have some chocolate eggs out in the yard but I believe Barkley was responsible for hiding them in the your step.

Malia was very hands on, in fact often her hands were in the cups of die themselves, why use a spoon when your hand works so much better.
just a egg thought......if they say don't eat yellow snow why would you eat a blue egg or green for that matter. Maybe it's just a ploy to get us not to eat yellow snow it might be delish, guess we'll never know unless one brave/dumb soul gives it a try.....any takers? I'll eat the colored egg you eat the yellow snow.

Danger danger.......eggs for your life's......the eggs monster is here. Crisp, crunch, eggs for lunch...... mmmmm delicious. Malia just couldn't wait to eat one of those newly died Easter eggs, what no Tabasco?