Friday, April 6, 2012

Rental repair............



Well the other evening while my old lady was out collecting rent on on a rental she asked the tenet if all was ok they informed her that their oven was not working. Well wanting to be the ideal land lord I quickly Came up with a plan of action. First idea was just to find a steal of a deal on ol Craig's list. this seemed to be easier said than done, It seems everyone was also looking for a deal on a electric stove. Ok plan two, I could just go purchase a new one.....naaa to easy. I then remembered I had one in the garage(hard to see with all my stuff accumulating). But there was a slight problem.........the oven didn't work on this one also. So what to do........well fix it dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry, well fix it dear Henry, dear Henry fix it. With what shall I fix it dear Liza.......and so on. the only problem being there was no Henry or Liza in this story so I needed to fix it myself.

After closer inspection I saw that the oven element had been compromised, as pic above. So off to a appliance part store to pick up the necessary equipment. This was a super easy fix, pretty much a plug unplug type of thing. I wondered to myself how many people discard their appliances when such a easy fix is at hand. With a new cord and element installed, it was loaded up and off to the rental I went. The plan exchange appliances and then fix the other. upon arrival and after a little trouble shooting I soon discovered all that was needed was for it to be reset, accomplished by a quick unplug and replug. Well now I have a back up stove so all is good.

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