Monday, November 15, 2010

just doing a little manscaping to this old house...

i guess you can say that old house on lenmore was in much need of a little manscaping. for those that aren't in the know-how manscaping is general referred to a man taking care of his personal hygiene, shaving, trimming, working out, improving his manscape (not landscape). but this old house needed a little trim work done to his facial hair. this pic is a pre -manscape pic. you can see the out of control growth of his beard/vine. as a youth i would always hear mother tell o'll pops to trim his beard cause it was getting in the way of those little smooches. well if this old house was getting any action it would definitely be a tickley smooch.
here he is, cleaned up with that much needed trim. i guess you can say he has some clean cut sideburns, or some sexy mutton chops. this usually has to get done twice a year but his owners have been a little busy. his trim was finished up in the nick of time with the threat of rain on the horizon.

here is a little fellow hanging out on the inside of the screen getting a little morning sun on his belly.