Sunday, October 14, 2007

i tried!

Well, I tried to post a blog a few days ago, but it didnt work for some reason, not sure why. something about characters.
well my last post was about the hubby and i getting married in Hawaii. thats right, we got hitched. It was really great. we both agree, we wouldnt have done it any other way.

We were in Hawaii for 2 wonderful long weeks.
Not long enough in my opinion...i could stay there forever. Its such a beautiful place.

We saw a lot of plant life there I didnt know even existed. and everything smelled so good.
Everything looked almost fake. Its just so different from what im used to. Pictures just dont do it justice.

My husband could have taken pictures all day. I found myself sitting down while he finished. But thanks to him we have tuns of really great ones.