Wednesday, October 13, 2010

gimme a needle im gonna pop that

how would one get such a juicy blister in just a hours time, you may ask. well it just so happened that on the way home from visiting that hard working mother, me and Malia stopped by one of dads favorite places, habitat of course to mill around and see if there was any thing we had to have. (a wise man once told me- there was a difference between -had to have, and have to have, so when making decisions ask yourself do you have to have it, had- being more of a i want and have- being more of necessity. when caught up in the moment ask your self do i have to have this, most of the time you don't) anyway back to the story.

while in this glorious store of used home goods at great prices(varying on the store) i remembered that i still had two unscreened windows, and with such nice cool weather one tends to open the windows. so i pick up two used screens around the same size, and some caulk for trim to finish off the closet. of course the screens had to but cut to size. well the juice pocket arrived while putting the screen back together, good times. some one get me a straw its gonna be a juicy one.
and here is a pic of the two newly screened windows

1 comment:

Woodie said...

Nasteee. I guess that's what They mean by no pain, no gain!