Monday, October 25, 2010

knights of the square table

and sew i introduce to you the knights of the square table. these knights travel from all corners of the state and the counties within, bringing with them their weapon of total cloth destruction. there mission? to turn unused, colorful cloth, with artistic prints, into desirable articles of clothing, and use full attire. here is a rare photo of the skillful knights busy at work.

the weapon of choice you may ask? no not a Battle axe nor the long blade or the cross bow but yet a weapon of equal and possibly greater destruction, the sewing machine. here seen in yet another rare pic the weapons sit in between battles resting their powerful motor's and sharping the shinny needles which Peirce the heart of the cloth. the evil eyes of one great machine glows, eagerly eyeing up its next victim.

the names of these fearless crusaders remain anonymous as not to jeopardise their quest for total cloth domination. through the chaos filled room a small knight in training crawls her way through the thread strewn floor toward some know leaders of this shall we say of this secret society. some may call these individuals realist, needle pushers, artist with thread, but to us their just know as people with a passion for something they love. one stitch at a time, one more yard of cloth forever changed.

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vi said...

Very clever and poetic!! Looks like fun.

4th sister said...

heheh...cute baby

Woodie said...

I agree with vi, clever twist. funny! Watch that kiddio, she went right for the nib cleaner. LOL.

maria said...

looks like fun!!