Monday, December 6, 2010

rental fun...and of course ive seen this before.......

 well this is how i spent my day off, nope not out with the boys, not shopping with the ole lady, but sweating it out with Mr copper pipe  and his friend propane torch. the floor under the water heater had seen better days and was in need of replacement. with this flooring gone it was so much easier to do the pipes. this pic is of the newly sweated pipes.

then off to hook up the pex pipes, man i wish everything was this easy, they just snap together no elbows, sodering, no cement, just snip, snap, clicked, and clap. well with the water heater unhooked i could not pressure test the system and check all the pipes. but i had installed a handy dandy shut off valve so i was able to test the cold lines and it was successful..................butt........................and i mean a big o'll like in that song i like big butts....... butt it was not one that i liked!

when i cut on the water at the street i could hear it run continuously, the meter was spinning like a disco usually only does this if theres a leak. so  i crawl under and around the house but i couldn't see anything....hmmmmmm. so i shut off the valve under the house were it comes into the house and could still here it rushing through the pipes, o snap. i walk around the outside of the house and step into a soggy wet puddle. o well a new project now, and this is new territory. i wounder what kind of new tool my wifey will let me buy now :) (i already have a shovel, which it looks like ill be using now)

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