Wednesday, June 29, 2011

trim tram super spam..........


 while out at Hawkins i did a little yard maintenance here's just a couple before and after pics for your viewing pleasure.



 i rehung that fallen gutter. did you notice that the old window ac units are no longer in the windows in the before pictures of the back of the house? did you take them down you may ask? i did not, i had help from some friendly thief's. yep apparently they wanted those units more than me and bad enough to come steal them. they also took some from a neighboring house just yanked them right out the window. i guess copper is the name of the game now and those units probably had plenty inside. well it worked out for the best anyways this did happen when we were in the middle of purchasing so the sellers knocked some green backs off the bottom line.

1 comment:

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

But it does kinda piss you off.