Saturday, July 30, 2011

"its like trying to make ice with hot water"................................

 yep that's right this fine grass cutting machine was only $1.98with tax(time and elbow grease was extra). and so the story begins

 so every day i pull up this slanting driveway, and about a week or two ago i started to notice that the grass was really greener on the other side. as you can see in the pic the neighbors grass was green just along the side of the driveway about a foot or two. and i also noticed a steady trickle of water coming from under their mail box, which did not go away. it ran down the street and evaporated into the pavement. so i mentioned this to the neighbor as to prepare him for what it could mean higher water bill, repairs etc. he said he hadn't check his basement in a while so down we went for a look.

when we went into the basement we took a trip to wet city. under closer inspection we saw that there was a leak spraying from where the ice machine connects to the hot water line of the water heater? why did they connect it to the hot line...this gives me a  new quote "its like trying to make ice with hot water". anyhow the neighbor asked me if id fix it and he would give a an old broke mower.......yes something else to fix i said ok. so the following morning i took a trip out the the home improvement store got the necessary parts $1.98 and got the job done. so here lies the story of the $1.98 lawnmower. which after a little work to get running will probable make it to sister#4 house as their new/used mower.

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