Tuesday, August 9, 2011

don't talk when your mouths full...........


at my place of business we offer free samples on some of the items which are in season, as to let the customers taste and then buy. well of course this kind jester is often abused  and misused. as an example one family came in one evening and i over heard the parents say to the children "eat up, eat all you want, i think soups on sample in the deli"....now i don't frown on the children because they just learn what the parents teach. but those teachers should be kicked out of school. another guy walked in, opened the sample display and with one swipe pushed all the samples into a grocery bag and walked out. now if your starving ill buy you some bread and peanut butter but that is ridiculous.
      on a lighter note i have a sort of game i like to play on customers. see we are required to greet all customers that come with in a certain distance of our person. so as I'm working out product near any one of the the several sample displays i patiently wait for my victims. say here's comes that soccer mom with her three out of control children miss behaving throwing grapefruit, sticking their fingers in the peaches and etc...... up to the sample dome she steps after a careful selection of the longest possible toothpick(of course all being the same size) she begins to load the tooth pick as if she's stuffing a shiskabob.
       up goes the heavy laden toothpick so heavy it almost takes both hands. and into her waiting, watering mouth so that the sweet favors of cantaloupe can dance upon her tongue. just as her mouth is at its fullest extent, you couldn't possible get even the smallest piece in..........here comes that excellent customer service........."Hello how are you doing today?"  Mmmauccchhhh sluuurrrppppp  aaaahhhhherrrrrrrr as she hurriedly try's to chew and swallow the sample as to return my greeting. bet you weren't expecting that.  not all customers see me coming, sometimes i like to lay in wait off in the shadows, and approach my victims when they are well into round two of sampling. out of nowhere and unexpectedly i surprise them from behind..  "If i can help you find anything just let me know", i see she already found my samples so no need to show her were those are at. its just the simple things that makes my job enjoyable.


Woodie said...

not unlike a trick I learned waiting tables... Wait till they put food in their mouth - then ask --- can I get you anything else? :-)

Azulparsnip said...

wow, I'm appalled at the greed and covettousness