Saturday, November 3, 2012

Malia the sheep......


With Halloween upon us and trick or treating in the plans for the evening Malia was suited up with her costume. She went out as "Shawn the sheep"(Netflix). Momma Mandy created this costume with Cotten balls glue gun and time.


The costume was complete with felt ears and bushy tail.

Here's Momma Mandy pictured with both girls, Ella dressed as some sort of pumpkin ballerina or something.

We went downtown Concord walking the streets in an event which they hold for the children, it was very busy but Being Malias first time trick or treating there was no rush.

More sooner than later Malia was tired of walking and made her way onto daddy Dave's shoulders. Here you can see Malia already enjoying some candy, priming the sugar high soon to come.

And here's a pic of that sugar high, in no time she was running around the house jacked up on twix. Her costume didn't fair so well, it started shedding as you can see in the pic the cotton balls scattered around the house. Good times were had by all but when the night settled and the girls were in bed, momma Mandy and daddy Dave took a deep breath and relaxed.



maria said...

perfect costume!!! Shawn the sheep me thinks :D, and i love the sugar high pic, priceless!!!!

4th sister said...

i wish i had some of that choclt!

Woodie said...

That last shot is priceless!