Sunday, April 21, 2013

Criminal minds.......


We had one heck of a delicious burger for dinner this evening and it got me thinking..........and this is what I thought, If somewhere in my life I had taken the other path instead of my current path and went down the road with a criminal mind and criminal intent, what kind of criminal would I be? a robber? A con artist? Grand theft auto? Maybe just a white collar criminal? Finally ......after much deliberation I've decided what I would may not be the most profitable, or have the greatest perks but it would be on the top of my list...
the hamburglar ..........o yeah hamburgers .........for life ......or give me life or the chair

Just look at this delicious goodness.......

Now....a ....closer look can you resist makes me wanna break the law just looking at it.



The Canuck said...


4th sister said...

hehehe...silly boy

scholarly brother said...

And so ends the vegan experiment