Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Breaking point.....


On a recent trip to Ohio with my sweet ladies to visit the wife's side of the family, we were sitting around the dinner table enjoying a delish meal prepared by gramma ta-Te daddy Dave's phone rang. Not wanting to be rude daddy Dave pulled his phone out to stop the call, but when he pulled it out he saw it was from a current renter.......dang he had to take this call. When he talked to the renter they said they were having problems with the toilet. It seems that the float had broken causing the water to keep running, with daddy Dave only being a couple states away and a 8 hr drive he asked if it was leaking etc or an emergency, they said they could just cut on/off the water via shut off valve when they needed to use untill I could get there. So first thing when daddy Dave got back on Monday was to load up his trailer and resolve this problem. Above you can see where the float broke, right where the float attaches to the water valve.

And of course daddy Dave had an few extra toliet valves on hand, one of which was put to use. The repair was quick and easy and soon a functioning toliet was achived. And not too soon for daddy Dave needed to go back home and wind down after 8 hours in the car with a 4 and 2 year old a little relaxing was needed.


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