Sunday, October 26, 2014

Tough mudder.......


Momma Mandy and daddy Dave and some more family and friends participated in this years tough mudder event. Here we are pictured about halfway through. Everyone had a blast and goy a little muddy.

However everyone did not come through unscathed........


While going through the last obstical "electro shock therarapy" daddy Dave was knocked out but one of the jolts of electricty. This breif period of unconsciousness cause daddy Dave to land face first in the mud ......eyes open......when he came too he was blind(eyes full of mud...... I'm talking full of mud all up inside his eyeballs). After some coaching he blindly crawled his way through with only a couple more shocks but stayed conscious. After getting out of the obstical daddy Dave was led to the finish line completey blind, then was taken to the medical tent. After many eye flushing attempts and many Qtips in the eyes (too clear large clumps of mudd) daddy Dave's vision was cleared just enough to go home. Later more mud around the back of the eye worked its way back to the front so momma Mandy Qtipped daddy Dave's eyes for him just enough to go out for a well deserved hamburger. Daddy Dave is happy to report his eyesight is almost back to 100%



Unknown said...

OMG!!! I hope you are ok David. Zaaaaaaaap!

Woodie said...

glad you are back up to snuff. whew!