Monday, November 17, 2014




Earlier this summer daddy Dave was cruising along and an rock kissed his windshield, this is the damage it caused. It was time to address this so to prevent further cracking, so daddy Dave picked up this fix-it kit from a local auto store.

First step was to clean the chip then attach the base over the spot.

Then an adhesive was put into the base and a suringe inserted and pulled out to cause a suction and draw out air from the cracks and crevices.

After a wait the suringe was pushed in to put pressure and squeeze the adhisive back into the crack now free of air.

After a longer wait the suringe was removed, a few more drops of adhesive added and a cover(provided) over the spot untill further dry time was achived.

Afterwards the patch was scraped and cleaned and tada. The spot is still visible but no where near what it used to be. With all the rise and fall in temps this winter hopefully this will prohibit further cracks from developing


1 comment:

vi said...

Wow! Pretty impressive.