Saturday, February 12, 2011

were going out with a bang...........

 what better way to kick off no meat week , but with a burger. this pick will make your eyes, mouth,and soul water...i just drooled a little(onion,tomato,avocado,lettuce,bacon cheese,mayo, sesame seed bun, and don't forget the meat). well me the wife, sister #4 and brother in law #4 were original planning to go down and visit the parents and baby sis. mother had a big pulled barbecue pork dinner planned, but due to unseen circumstances the trip was canceled (hope ya get to filling better pops). well we decided to go ahead a make a night of it since were not usually off together. well Davy get out the grill and fired her up, yep we put on some delicious meat Patty's. no meat week starts the 12th so here we come.

and what is dinner with out a show? well out back i had a growing pill of yard debris, and scrap wood building up in the fire pit. just add a little gasoline...........well a lot of gasoline.........and ca-boom fire works. here's a pic of #4 sister and hubby toasting their front sides.


Woodie said...

Now that's what I call a fire!

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

Looks like y'all had a hot time.