Wednesday, March 23, 2011

when the red, red robin comes bob, bob, bobbing along.....

 while building the "Garage Rack 2000"system , i came across your friendly local birds nests. as i was working i heard a bird behind me and i looked up to see a small brown bird fly into the top of the insulation pile, soon after i heard  chirping which sounded like hungry little chirps to me(baby's?). man o man i hope they make it or it might create quiet a stink. i was wondering where the bird feces was coming from, not even safe inside the garage. still not to sure on how they got in, besides when the doors are open.

then while removing the stove pipe yet another birds nest was exposed but this one was not in use at the time. soon after capping the the pipe i heard birds fluttering inside, no doubt rebuilding a new nest. spring has sprung... no stopping that.

just a quick quote for ya...."you have a cough? go home tonight, eat a whole box of ex-lax. tomorrow you'll be afraid to cough"......-Pearl Williams

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hee hee - love the quote!