Friday, June 29, 2012

Freckle fiasco...........


Here we have a pic of Malia genorasly donating her collection of Toy Story stickers to "The Cover Freckle Foundation" , also know as TCFF. Here Malia is placing the stickers in a puzzle fashion in an effort to cover the visible freckles on momma Mandy's face. Little does Malia know that she may soon develop theses little angle kisses also, and if momma mandy didn't know these small tan spots grouped upon her face was one of the factors in her spouses attraction to her. Freckle juice nor Toy Story stickers can hide or get rid of these freckles but that's the way daddy Dave would have it anyway.


1 comment:

Woodie said...

Aww, pretty sweet. My best friend in elementary school had freckles and wanted them, too! They are pretty cool. :-)