Sunday, December 2, 2012

Box tastic.............


Well in the past week or so our dryer crapped out on us, being in the rental business I some times have an extra appliance or two on hand. After replacing with another used dryer and it also crapping out it was time to upgrade and get a new dryer(having fixed or replacing the dryer and washer many times before this event). After picking up two new appliances we were left over with two rather large boxes.

Here Malia demonstrates just how large these boxes are. Momma Mandy had a great idea(pintrest), why not turn these boxes into a playhouse for Malia. These boxes are a little flimsy so a few mods may have to be made.

So after some modifications, framing using the original packing hardware. Some duck tape, a hand saw and a little planing the box began to come to life. Malia did supervise the whole ordeal.

Here's the finished product not so pretty but it does have , windows, doors and a Snoopy included(on roof keeping an eye out for the red barion). Momma Mandy thinks we should start charging rent, I hope Malia will be a good tenet.