Thursday, August 29, 2013

Laundry Reno walls......


Well it was time to open up the walls and see what we were working with. We plan on changing out the windows to some energy efficient, insulate the walls, square up the walls and drywall. Sounds simple right......well it would be...........but .wait for it......

If the walls were even framed to begin with..........what the $)&@ is this? After removing the old paper thin drywall I find out that there is no framing just a couple 2x4's to hold up the windows, a bunch of card board, metal screening, and scrap wood nailed up like pick up sticks with no rhyme or reason. Was the cardboard insulation?

After the cardboard was removed there was window screen all over the walls? You would think maybe it was a screened in porch at some time but this was not the case.

More sections of screening in no certain order just under the window in this pic .......


I had to build a makeshift rack to hold the existing plumbing and electrical sense there was no framing there to hold it up it was tacked into the drywall. Looks like daddy Dave has his work cut out for him.



Jandi for The Fuzz said...

Looks like a fun time.

Woodie said...

I was wondering if it had been a porch because the ceiling is painted that traditional southern porch color - someone told me once that old southerners thought that color kept away bad spirits or something like that...