Wednesday, April 9, 2014



With rain in the forcast it was a great night to burn the scrap pile, it started small

But soon was a monster daddy Dave kept the hose on hand to aid in keeping the fire under control and keep the cops/ firemen from getting called(it's illegal to burn outdoors in city limits) this is why when daddy Dave burns he usually dose it under the cover of darkness to hid the smoke and usually with rain in the forecast.

The next day Ella helps daddy Dave extinguish the left over smoldering coals(daddy Dave was in short shorts because he had just finished a run not because he wears them around the house regularly).

With some clean up under way there was space enough to fit that trailer in the garage.....success.



The Canuck said...

Now that's progress!!! Congrats

Jandi for The Fuzz said...

Feng Shui