Friday, May 16, 2014

Picken .......


Momma Mandy took the girls strawberrie picking.

They went right to work, Ella mostly picked up the discarded berries or the ones laying on the ground she wasn't very PICKEY........

Malia was more precise.......picking nice big red strawberries.

Here they are pictured with the bounty, Ella has some evidence on her face it seems that not all of the berries she picked made it into the basket.

Afterwards they hung out with some chicks.

And momma treated the girls to some fudge pops on an old country front porch.

Mmmmmmmm nothing taste like fresh picked organic strawberries.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, looks like you got a good pile of ripe strawberries there. What a fun experience for the kids. They are all smiles.