Monday, January 24, 2011

all hands on deck..........

 yep were gonna try and be a little more green. not because of all the hype, not cause its the "cool" thing to do, and not cause someone told us too, but because its just the right thing to do. well with one well placed phone call made by that wifey of mine, the generous city dropped off our new/used recycle bin(now we just have to fill it). so now to help save water daddy Dave has decided to quit taking showers/baths.......... lets see how long moma mandy can stand it, only Barkley baths allowed(just a dirty joke 4 ya).

here's that green bin.................fill it again and again.


Levi said...

You joke about the shower thing but I really do only shower ever few days or so, because its so exspensive to use water here.(granted if i dont get to dirty only). Germans are crazy too they turn the water on just to wet them selfs then turn it off lather up and a quick rinse and thats it. No standing under running, warm and relaxing, water for them. They are so efficiant over that the cities have to waste fresh water once in awhile just to clean out the backed up sewer systems because people dont use enough water to flush all the human waste out. lol... now thats green

Davey Doo said...

they say taking too many showers is bad for your skin/hair anyway.