Sunday, January 16, 2011

christmas in january................

 if you didn't know, the Anderson clan meets after  the traditional DEC 25th so that all the family can get together and enjoy each others company and do a gift exchange. this works out well sense everyone is so busy Christmas week, seeing other family, Friends and etc. these two pics are of the Delicious luncheon which was prepared courtesy of many. this pic is of the grown ups table. all siblings were able to come except that #5 sister but she has an excusable absence(shes in Germany, serving the red white and blue. we missed you!)

 this pic is of the kids table(depending on how you look at it). thanks again to sister #1 for hosting this sometimes chaos and hectic event .cheers to all!!!! and a happy new year


Woodie said...

it was great to see everyone, and what a YUMMY feast!!!

4th sister said...

delish. :) success.