Friday, October 7, 2011

project....code name..Malia down for a nap.......

this is a couple of pics i like to call, project....code name..Malia down for a nap. usally when i get off work and my lovely dearest wife has to go to work, around this time is nap time for malia. in this allotted time i have the freedom of not keeping a constant eye on baby girl(always a constant ear via-baby monitor), usually a hour and a half to two hours. well with all the work and up-coming work on rentals i some times have to unload and load all my heavy machinery by myself. this ole table saw has been a pain so i figured just add some wheels..........

so that's what i did. i built a frame on the underside, in which the saw sits firmly upon. this has not been field tested yet, and potential adjustments may be needed.