Thursday, October 6, 2011

yearly maintenance.............

yearly maintenance was due on the blower motor on the fireplace insert. the other morning i fired up the ole fireplace for the first time, and as it started to heat up the house nicely all of a sudden the blower went out. darn it, but seeing how that ole boyscout of a husband is always prepared, he just so happened to have a spare blower motor on hand(coincidence? i think not). after pulling the blower unit from the insert(and one 2nd degree burn later), he was not to suprised to find the moter and surunding areas clogged with dust and spider webs. what would be the best way to clean this debrie which was choking the life from the motor?..........a wisk broom... na.......compressed used it all on the computer.......ah...... i have an idea.............

#493 use for a leaf blower............... after the dust settled i am happy to report that all it needed was a little cleaning.  the motor fired right up after a test plug-in, now were back in business.