Monday, January 30, 2012



 The other day while me and momma mandy were tag teaming the cleaning of the house, I cut on the iPod to get some jams pumping. Momma mandy started the vacuum up and started on the floors, malia was down for a nap so no time like the present to get some chores done. As the iPod powered up and the music started it went right into the last song which was playing.......boom boom rink tink boom ta ta boom boom some techno music started blasting.

    Ya see the last time momma mandy was using her pod it was during a run so this was one of her running tracks. Momma mandy looked up and shouted "I LIKE THIS SONG, IT'S GOOD TO RUN TO". I nodded and said in a normal tone "yeah only if your deaf", to what mandy responded "WHAT?......WHAT?. My point exactly, but to be fair the song wasn't that bad and truth be told ol daddy Dave has actual listened to a little techno every once in a while during a run.



Woodie said...

momma mandy looks very thin and a little sunburned, here. LOL, she must be getting ready for swimsuit season. :-)

Momma mandy said...

Yes! Working on my beach bod ;) although jellybean will probably take over the skinny! Haha