Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mole patrol........


Here we have the latest and greatest mole patrol technology. What this Solar powered devise does is send out a vibration and noise/pitch which runs off the unwanted pest such as moles. Why do you need this devise you may ask, well you see over the past couple of years a mole or two has made our yard it's stomping grounds. After some research they seem to enjoy sweet roots, which may be a reason to getting no sweet potatoes, or baking potatoes from our garden, even though we had great above ground plant growth. I'm under suspicion that the mole ate them before we could harvest. But for now it sits among the tulips standing guarding the sweet tulip roots which squirrels along with moles also enjoy. I have heard good reviews on these devises, Not only is it animal cruel free but solar powered but well see(doesn't seam to bother Barkley as of now. mole patrol stand attention, about face, and salute. Do your duty to defend the plants booty, sir yes sir.

1 comment:

Woodie said...

we have a battery powered version in our garden, it seemed to do pretty well, the number of tunnels, etc went down dramatically, but I suspect that Cricket the cat going to live outdoors may have had a little to do with that, as well. She likes to munch on or even just toy with and torture moles and other little creatures like that.