Sunday, August 19, 2012



Here is a pic of a new Costumers landscaping projecthe hitch daddy Dave was recruited to complete. The clearing of all the brush and small saplings was needed to open the property up. The owners are planing to sell and they wanted the lot to be cleared so potential buyers can see the size of the lot. This pic is actual looking down at the wooded area, the house sits up on a hill.

This is a pic from with in the brush/woods, I started at the back of the lot and slowly worked my way forward towards the house.
While clearing an area along a fence I felt a sharp sting on my arm. Not being too alarmed being there were sticker bushes in these woods, I looked down to see a big fat yellow bee on my arm and of course it was attached by its stinger....mother €#%&$!!!!!! I had stepped in a yellow jacket nest. I drop my brush trimmers and make a bee line out of there .............get it BEE line haha. I was not followed, it may have been attributed to my super fast lighting speed and manuvering ability but who's to say for sure. But I was faced with a new problem in my hast to retreat I had left my trusty tool right atop of the nest....o dang. I contined clearing on the other side of the wooded area to let the angry swarm of bees relax. I then crept as close as I dared with a long stick and picked it up from the safety of a couple of feet(not really that safe but I needed this tool).
When the clearing was done a refreshing down pour ensued, but was well received. Here's a couple pics of the after.

You may ask how did you get the area cleared which housed the yellow jackets. Well when the turenchal rain came those bees hightailed back to the nest I guess they didn't want to get wet. with those winged bullies safe within the warmth of their nest I very quickly completed the task. Why are they called yellow jackets? if they had had a rain jacket on they may have stayed out to play, but I guess this was for the best.


Woodie said...

Wow, that's some serious clean up work! Glad the yellow jackets let you BEE.

The Canuck said...

Guess those suckers were yeller after all.