Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ever ok?.......


Is it ever ok to send a text pic of #2? NO!!!!.........In every situation but ........one, if you ever have kids which are potty training you would understand. Never once did I ever refuse or regret to change a diper, it's part of parent hood. Now don't get me wrong there were some soupy duces that, we were reluctant to change and would often sneakily get the other parent to change........trickster Dave. With malia potty training she has been shy to the solid form of waste, so with every success is met with celebration. So if I ever opened my phone to only be faced with a distasteful pic, it would be met with feeling of pride(only as long as it was from my children not one of my buddies).


Now ol daddy Dave is not that gross, and to clarify momma mandy hasn't ever sent daddy Dave a distasteful pic. Daddy Dave wouldn't post a pic of Malias private business, so just for blogging purposes here's the original pic. It was just doctored up with a little editing. But it looks like Malia has a shoe in, on figuring out this potty training stuff.


The Canuck said...


Momma mandy said...

I was a little nervous!