Monday, January 14, 2013

Ball and chain.......


This past weekend we had a bachelor party for my brother, here's a sneak peak at some of the entertainment. This lovely lady made out quit well in tips, here she is pictured doing one of her signature moves.

Here is that bachelor pictured with his ball and chain(a bowling ball chained around his ankle), he had to keep this on for the entire evening. One of the events of the night was for everyone attending to bring something unusual for him to eat, it had to be eatable straight out of the package. This was quite entertaining here he is pictured with a jar of pigs feet. Uncle J was a trooper and tasted everything which was brought(this was quite a feat being some of the stuff was quit unusually nasty). You can see the trash can readily accessible, no other details or pics of this fateful night will be released to the public for viewing to protect the innocent , but the entertainer did get a little wild.


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