Saturday, March 16, 2013



Well I've been trying to get this rental project finished up, this involves some long hours and late nights but its coming along nicely. Next thing on the list of things to do was the floors, they previously had carpet so some clean up was need before painting them. Why paint? You may ask these are some nice hardwoods worth restoring but with the property becoming a rental it's highly unlikely they will take care of them. So to cut the cost of restoring and re restoring after the renters leave ill just clean and paint. This will help protect the floors so if in the future I want too restore them I can.


Here's the floors free of staples, nails, gunk, debris, and dirt. With a quick sanding(pole sander) and walk through(bare foot?) this took most of the day preping the floors.

Yeah ......I said bare foot.........why would you walk on those nasty floors bare foot? Well I've walked in nastier stuff barefoot, but that's not the point. Daddy Dave has super sensitive feet sensitive he can tell you the date on a dime when it's under 3 pillows ,a mattress, and a sheet of plywood. Well ill just say when you walk around bare foot on bare wooden floors you can feel any nit and grit so I would pay special attention to these areas.

Here is the finished project after some thick, gloss, oil based paint and the inhaling of a lot of fumes. These floors make you wanna put on a pair of socks and slide, Tom Cruise style(in your undies).



Woodie said...

Lookin good!

The Canuck said...

I can't believe the difference. It was a good decision to go dark on the floor. Can't wait to see it for real!